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Google AdSense Ads.txt Generator

Google AdSense Ads.txt Generator

Ads.txt Generator For Google AdSense

Enter your Google AdSense Publisher ID below. (Can be founder under Account Information)
[FORMAT: pub-0000000000000000]

How To Use Ads.txt Generator For Google AdSense?

This tool will generate the Ads.txt file based on your Publisher ID, for your Google AdSense account.

To use generate the Ads.txt using this tool, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Login To Your AdSense Account

Go to and sign in, if not already signed in.

STEP 2: Get Your Publisher ID

After signing in to your AdSense account, go to the “Account” option from the left sidebar menu.

You will find your AdSense Publisher ID at the very top of the page that opens.

Google AdSense Publisher ID


Copy your publisher ID from the AdSense dashboard and paste it in the AdSense Ads.txt Generator (at the top of this page) and hit the “Generate Ads.txt” button.

Your Ads.txt file will be generated. Now, click on the copy button to copy the code.


Now that you have successfully obtained the code for your Ads.txt file, simply open Notepad (or any other text editor of your choice), paste the code into it and save the file with the name “Ads.txt”.

And That’s It!

Congrats! You’ve successfully generated the Ads.txt file required for your Google AdSense account! Now you can use that file anywhere you want.

If you have any doubt regarding this process, feel free to comment down below! Do consider sharing this free tool with others on your favourite social media site! 🙂

Have a great day ahead!

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Written by Anirban Roy

Anirban is a full-stack developer and an SEO expert. He has 6 years of experience in web development and software engineering. With a passion for writing, he has been blogging since 2017.

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      • Hi Anirban, thanks for your response.
        I have earlier done that. Even before applying for adsense and I got ads txt not found.

        Then I decided to add the ads txt into my html head section. Maybe that will work.

        • Hi Jude,

          You should generate it only when you have the correct publisher ID available to yourself. After you place it in the proper place, as mentioned in my last response, you can verify the same by visiting []/ads.txt.

          • Yes, if you see the correct code on (assuming that there are actual numbers in place of those XXs), it means your ads.txt is set up correctly. Now simply wait for Adsense to detect the change, and the notice will go away.